Next Service: Sunday 10.30am


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  • Rainbows


Rainbows meet to have fun!  They take part in games and activities as part of their programme called the Rainbow Jigsaw.  Everything a Rainbow does helps her to develop and think for herself, in a safe girl-only environment.

St Paul's Rainbows meet on Thursday evenings during term time from 5.45 to 6.45pm in the Centenary Rooms to the right of the main Church entrance. This, the youngest section of Girlguiding, is open to all girls between 5 and 7 years.  

If you would like to add your details to our waiting list then please go to and click on the "Join us" link. You will be asked to choose a unit to attend. We are 11th Harrogate (St Paul's).  

Further information on Rainbows can also be accessed through the Girlguiding website or by emailing:

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