04 Oct2015
Services Read & Listen
From 14th August 2022, we will stream our services and they will be viewable from the link below or on YouTube by searching for "StPaul's Harrogate URC"
You can also click
to subscribe and get an automatic message each time we upload.
Our latest live service and videos
You can also view our historic services below:

From 14th August 2022, we will stream our services and they will be viewable from the link below or on YouTube by searching for "StPaul's Harrogate URC"
You can also click to subscribe and get an automatic message each time we upload.
Our latest live service and videos
You can also view our historic services below:
27 Sep2015
20 Sep2015
13 Sep2015
13 September 2015 Sermon Text.pdf
06 Sep2015
23 Aug2015
16 Aug2015
09 Aug2015
02 Aug2015
26 Jul2015
19 Jul2015
12 Jul2015
05 Jul2015
28 Jun2015
21 Jun2015
14 Jun2015
07 Jun2015
31 May2015
24 May2015
17 May2015
10 May2015
03 May2015
26 Apr2015
19 Apr2015
12 Apr2015